1974: 93rd Congress, Second Session

MUSKIE, EDMUND S. (a Senator from Maine)

Biographical sketch, Marrines, Ernest C, 5824

Questions and answers, handling of classified materials, Department of Defense, 41699


Access to Energy Information, W.E. Simon. National Press Club, 2620

Commencement K. Waldheim, Catholic University, 15986

Congressional Response to President Nixon's message on Privacy, Senator Hart, radio, 5829

Defense Spending and Inflation, American Enterprise Institute, by, 29631

Detente: The Balance Sheet, Atlanta Forum, by, 41308

Energy or Environment, American Institute of Chemical Engineers, by, 38338

Environmental Law, E.R. Cutler. ABA Conference, 22554

Foreign Policy Today, Restoring the Bi-partisan Tradition, by, 12157

Health Care in America. Wilkes-Barre. Pa., by, 59

Merits of Intergovernmental Personnel Act, Gov. Mike O'Callaghan of Nevada, Emeryville, California, 36723

National Health Insurance Policy, New England Hospital Assembly, by, 8435

Report on Annual Reports, A. A. Sommer, Jr., 24881

State of the Economy-a Democratic View, Nationwide TV, by, 37165

The Environmental Agenda, Earth Day, 1974, by, 11325

The Whole Society, Earth Week 1970, by, 11324

Toward a Less Inflationary Economy. J.T. Dunlop, 13671,14099

U.S. Foreign Policy, Senator Bentsen, 32742

Amendments offered by, to

Agriculture, environmental and consumer protection programs; amend bill (H.R. 16901) making appropriations for, 37175

Amtrak: amend bills (S. 3569: H.R. 15427) authorizing appropriations, 27405

Appropriations: amend bill (H.R. 16900) making supplemental, 36220

Atomic Energy Commission: amend bill (S. 4033, H.R. 16609) to increase authorization for appropriations, 38893

Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act of 1970: amend bill (S. 3355) to amend, 21133

Congressional Budget Act: amend bill (S.1541) enact, 6612, 7398, 7533, 7673, 7719, 7900, 7929

Council on Wage Price Stability: amend bill (S. 3919) enact, 28690, 28885

Debt Ceiling Act: amend bill (H.R. 14832) to enact, 16968

Deepwater Port Act of 1974: amend bills (S. 4076; H.R. 10701) to enact, 34659, 34661

Department of Defense: amend bill (H.R. 16243) making appropriations, 29091, 29584

Department of State Appropriations Authorization Act of 1974: amend bill (S. 3117) to enact, 8681

Drug Enforcement Administration: amend bill (S. 3355) to provide appropriations on a continuing basis for, 22923

Energy Supply and Environmental Coordination Act of 1974: amend bill (H.R. 14368) to enact, 14235, 14523

Foreign Assistance Act of 1974: amend bill (S. 3394) to enact, 32060, 37772

Freedom of Information Act: amend bill (S. 2543; H.R. 12471) to amend, 16390, 16616, 17022

Internal Revenue Code: amend bill (H.R. 8217) to amend, 15091, 15809,15814,16616

International Economic Policy Act of 1972: amend bill (S. 2986) authorizing appropriations, 12109, 12197, 14114

Marine Fisheries Protection Act of 1974: amend bill (S. 1988) to enact, 39060

Maritime programs: amend bill (H.R. 13296) to authorize appropriations for, 39479

Military construction: amend bill (H.R. 16136) to authorize certain, 30807

Military procurement: amend bill (S. 3000) authorizing appropriations, 17718, 18313

Prisoner of War and Missing in Action Tax Act: amend bill (H.R. 8214) to enact, 542, 783

Privacy Protection Commission: amend bill (S. 3418) to establish, 36896

Public debt limit: amend bill (H.R. 14832) provide for temporary increase, 18642, 19908, 20739, 20901

Trade Reform Act: amend bill (H.R. 10710) to enact, 39812, 41170

Vessels: amend bill (H.R. 8217) duty exemptions for certain foreign repairs, 15091, 15809, 15814, 16616.


Analysis: Cost of Living Act, 12199

Analysis: Intergovernmental Emergency Heating Fuel Assistance Act, 38015

Analysis: S. 1541. Congressional Budget Act of 1974, 7481.

Analysis: S.3352, Cost of Living Act of 1974, 10866

Analysis: S. 3549. Energy Recovery and Resource Conservation Act of 1974, 16951


Appointed Conferee, 6742, 7938, 14546, 19258, 29142, 40641

Appointed Conference of Committee on Disarmament, 19454

Appointed National Ocean Policy Study, 14050

Appointed U.N. Law of the Sea Conference, 3189

Articles and editorials

America Must Act on the Spread of Nuclear Reactors, Senator Stevenson, Foreign Affairs, 34562

Brown Decision 20 Years Later, R. C. Maynard, Washington Post, 14914

CIA Seeks Power To Halt Leaks, L. Stern, Washington Post, 21448

County Fairs and Ox-Pulling in Maine, B. Newman. Wall Street Journal, 34322

Court That Dared the Unknown, J. P. McKenzie, Washington Post, 14916

Crushing Verdict on Watergate, J. J. Kilpatrick, Washington Star, 211

Dependence on Foreign-Trained Physicians (sundry), 2658, 2661, 2662

Diary of a Mad Housewife, D. Cord, Newsweek, 5126

Dickey-Lincoln Dam, Boston Globe (sundry), 3406-3408

Drop-Out's Lament, U.S. News & World Reports (excerpt), 7512

Ecology Act Waiver Splits White House, G. C. Wilson, Washington Post, 5525

Environmental Threats Shown, Bangor News, 29885

Enviropolitics is a Pollutant, Too, P. D. Schaumberg, National Observer, 24886

Fishermen Need Facts for Long-Range Programs, T. Welles, Tuesday Weekly, 29884

Ford Inflation Plan – Blow for Elderly, J. Stowell, Washington Star, 40810

Ford Raises Price Despite 1973 Pledge, J. L. Rowe, Washington Post, 14098

Impeachment Politics May Cost Nitze Pentagon Post, J. W. Pinney, New York Times, 7871

Increasing Nuclear Danger of Counter force Policy, Senator McIntyre, Washington Post, 17445

Jim Farley Honored (sundry), 25441, 25442

Keep Pine Tree Legal Alive, Portland Express, 1401

Law of the Sea Conference (sundry), 28022-28024

Less Talk. More Action, R. Nader, Washington Star,1173

Maine Made Sense, S. Garson. New York Times, 8705

Make It All Perfectly Legal, R. R. Korn and G. B. Craig, Washington Post, 223

Managing the Budget on Capitol Hill, Washington Post, 20158

Marriner Presents 1,000th Broadcast, I. Faunce, Maine Telegram, U.S. Radio (sundry), 5824, 5825

More Open Government, New York Times, 36084

New Strangelove Scenario, R. Wilson, Washington Star, 17446

Nixon Officials Appear Divided on Energy Plan, B. Schorr, Wall Street Journal, 5526

Nuclear Test Bans, Senator Buckley and, Baltimore Sun, 20768, 20769

Passamaquoddy! The Dream That Won't Die, G. R. Marvin, Ellsworth American, 35084

Pine Tree Legal is Worth Supporting, Biddeford-Saco Journal, 1401

Pull the Oil Tax Lever, Boston Globe, 1174

Race, Schools and the Senate, Washington Post, 14914

Response to an Enviro-Elitist, R. Kudikis, National Observer, 24887

Saving Revenue Sharing, Washington Post, by, 32553

Senate's Loss, New York Times, 25414

Senator Nunn's NATO maneuver, S. S. Rosenfeld, Washington Post, 20483

Senators Answer Greek Star Letter on Cyprus, Greek Star, 32681

Shultz Endorses Standby Controls, R. 0. Nokes, AP wire, 13671

Soviet Defense Chief Says West Pursues Arms Race, New York Times, 18316

Support Lawyers for the Poor, Brunswick Times Record, 1401

Tax Bribes Do Not Work, J. A. Rowe, Nation, 1173

Tax Windfall Seen for Oil-Producing Countries, L. Dye, Los Angeles Times, 1175

Taxpayer's Reply to Political Corruption, Washington Post, (excerpts), 4475

Teaching Environmental History, E. Schriver, Phi Kappa Phi Journal, 32725

The New Nuclear Debate, T. Greenwood, M. Nacht, Foreign Affairs, 21147

The States Step Forward. D. S. Broder, Washington Post, 6381

Time for Clipping White House Wings, R. N. Goodwin, Rolling Stone, 7423

Topeka Treadmill: Linda Brown's City Faces a New Battle, A. Scott, Washington Post, 14917

Untimely Flight From Controls, W.W. Heller, Wall Street Journal, 12207

Wage and Price Controls: A Resurrection? H. Rowen, Washington Post, 14098

Warren Court Reshaped Nation. Washington Post, 22804

Where Has "Brown" Led in 20 Years? C. B. Motley, New York Law Journal, 14918

Without Busing, Would Anyone Care? W. Raspberry, Washington Post, 17292

Bills and resolutions introduced by

Arthritis: advance national attack bill S. 2854), 10273

Atlantic Wetlands Research Center establish (see bill S. 3493), 24259

Blind persons: strengthening Randolph-Sheppard Act (see bill S. 2581), 4606

Committee on Aging (Special): authorize permanent status (see S. Res. 267, 294), 1575, 4607

Committee on the Budget: authorize supplemental expenditures (see 406), 31811

Cost of Living Act of 1974: enact (see bills S. 3352, 3918), 10852, 28470

Customs services: relative to certain responsibilities (see S. Res. 92), 21430

Economic Opportunity and Community Partnership Act of 1974: enact, (see bill S. 3798), 24683

Economic Stabilization Act of 1970: amend (see bills S. 2892, 3114), 1573, 5185

Economy: call domestic summit to stability and prosperity (see S. Res.363), 24677

Elderly: relative to nutrition program (see bill S. 2488), 4606

Emergency Petroleum Allocation Act of 1973: extend (see bill S. 3717), 21400

Emergency Unemployment Compensation Act of 1974: enact (see bill S. 4207), 38001

Energy and Resources Recovery Act of 1974: enact (see bill S. 3277), 8839

Energy Recovery and Resource Conservation Act of 1974: enact (see bill S.3549), 16948

Energy resources on public lands: inventory (see bill S. 2782), 26

Famine and human suffering. U.S. participation in international effort to reduce risk of (see S. Res. 329), 22370

Federal Grant and Cooperative Agreement Act of 1974: enact (see bill S.3514), 15341

Federal policies and programs: Participation by State and local governments in formulation (see S. Res. 427), 34686

Federal Privacy Board: establish (see bill S. 3418), 12644

Fertilizer price and supply: resolution (see S. Res. 289), relative to, 4530

Fishing Claims Assignment Act of 1974: enact (see bill S. 4061), 32831

Ford. Gerald R.: resolution (S. Con 108) extending best wishes to, 27619

Forest Service: further insect and control programs (see bill S. 4213), 38018

Freedom from Surveillance Act of 1974: enact (see bill S. 4062), 32831

Government Secrecy Control Act of 1974: enact (see bill S. 3393), 12091

Harry S. Truman Memorial Scholarships: establish (see bill S. 3548), 16948

Impoundment Prohibition Act of 1974: enact (see bill S. 3034), 3706

Intergovernmental Emergency Heating Fuel Assistance Act of 1974: enact (see bill S. 4209), 38001

Intergovernmental Personnel Act Amendments of 1974: enact (see bill S. 4135), 35294

Israeli schoolchildren: terrorist action threatening (see S. Res. 324), 14847

Legislation: prepare fiscal notes for (see bill S. 3759), 23129

Legislative review subcommittees: establish (see S. Res. 300), 8679

Library of Congress: establish library of television and radio programs (see bill S. 2497), 4606

Medicare: freeze deductibles and copayments (see bill S. 4093), 33913

Museum services: improve (see bill S. 796), 36456

National Arthritis Month: proclaim (see S.J. Res. 203), 10007

National Emergencies Act: enact (see bill S. 3957), 32287

National Historical Publications and Records Commission: designating (see bill S. 4102), 34311

National Institutions Reform Act: enact (see bill S. 3877), 26573

Natural Gas Agricultural Priority Act: enact (see bill S. 4216), 38329

Nuclear arms control: relative to Vladivostok agreement (see bill S. Res. 448), 40436

Office of Federal Procurement Policy: create (see bill S. 2510), 3338

Oil-producing and consumer nations: seeking world economic stability between (see S. Res. 410), 32531

Presidential Recordings and Materials Preservation Act: enact (see bill S. 4016), 32717

Public Works and Economic Development Act of 1965: extend authorizations (see bill S. 3641), 23770

Rail transportation system: expand to provide service to certain States (see bill S. 2867), 1889

SALT treaties: relative to (see S. Res. 283), 2798

Senate rules: amend. relative to energy research development administration (see S. Res. 352), 26633

Social Services Amendments of 1974, enact (see bill S. 4082), 38475

Southeast Asia: relative to missing newsmen in (see S. Res. 291), 4239

Standby Energy Emergency Authority and Contingency Planning Act: enact (see bill S. 3 267), 8656

Survey of Public Attitudes: print document entitled (see S. Con. Res. 100), 22503

Tax counseling to the elderly: provide (see bill S. 2868), 5892

Tax Reform and Relief Act of 1974: enact (see bill S. 4187), 37104

Tourism: investigate Federal policy and role (see S. Res. 347), 26633

Tourism industry: relative to allocation of energy resources (see S. Res. 281), 2613

Veterans: 10-year delimiting period relative to educational benefits (see bill S. 3398), 12091

Vietnam: relative to ending war and restoring peace (see S. Con. Res. 63), 1055

Vietnam Veterans GI bill of rights: enact (see bill S. 2789), 889


Laetare Award to James A. Farley. University of Notre Dame, 25441, 25442

NEPA-EPA question, 14530


Acting President pro tempore, 18621

Chairman of the Committee on the Budget, 25064


Letter: Automobile fuel economy and pollution standards, R. E. Train, with Senators Randolph, Baker, and Buckley, 37497

Letter: Conference report on Vietnam-Era Veterans Education bill, Senator Hartke, by, 35072

Letter: Congressional Budget Procedures Act (S. 1541), J. T. Conway, 7514

Letter: Criticism from constituents (sundry), 5126, 5127

Letter: Deny funds for binary nerve gas weapons to Senator McClellan, by, 26602

Letter: Dickey-Lincoln Power project, Senator Hathaway, 16013

Letter: Electric power and imported oil, New England Power Pool, 3408

Letter: Emergency Marine Fisheries Protection Act of 1974, to all Senators, by, 39081

Letter: Energy research and development programs of EPA, sundry, by, 18381, 18382

Letter: Energy Supply and Environmental Coordination Act of 1974, J. C Sawhill, 18961

Letter: EPA's use of funds to tax. limit, or regulate parking facilities (sundry), 37222

Letter: Financial burden of the elderly, President Ford. B. S. Adkins, 40811

Letter: Freedom of Information Act Amendments veto, by P. H. Kurland, 36523

Letter: Handling of classified materials (sundry), 41697-41699

Letter: Health effects of energy by-products. exchange of correspondence between S. D. Freeman and, 3436

Letter: Health Effects of Various Forms of Energy Study, correspondence with S. David Freeman, 3206

Letter: Housing problems (sundry), 35323, 35324

Letter: In answer to General George Brown's remarks, H. Bookbinder, 37780

Letter: Industrial waste cleanup funds, R. G. Ryan, 13518

Letter: Investigate U.S. military activities in Cambodia, Senator Stennis, by, 6785

Letter: Issues regarding NEPA-EPA, L. G. Billings, 14530

Letter: Kissinger should command Law of the Sea Conference, Senator Case, 32074

Letter: Offshore oil and gas development, President Ford, by, 34681

Letter: Pollution control construction grants. R. E. Train, by, 13517

Letter: Pollution control facilities approved by EPA for accelerated amortization under Internal Revenue Code, R. E. Train, D. C. Alexander, and, 36441

Letter: Proposed Legislation to Amend Intergovernmental Personnel Act of 1970, to President Ford, by R. E. Hampton, 35297

Letter: Proposed transfer of EPA energy research functions, Senator Jackson, 18382

Letter: Securing information on energy industry management, W. E. Simon, by R. Nader, 1173

Letter: Shortage of steel reinforcing bars, by, 749

Letter: U.N. access to INTELSAT, Senator Stevenson, 4217

Letter: Vote to override veto of Freedom of Information Act, to all Senators by, 36875


List: Pollution control projects submitted for step III grant, EPA, 13518

List: Proposals to strengthen congressional oversight of intelligence agencies, Committee on Government Operations, 37701

List: Prospective witnesses on corporate disclosure, before Committee on Government operations, 10889

List: Rulemaking actions possibly affected by EIS provision, 14543

List: Tax deductions and relief measures for elderly, Committee on Aging (special), (sundry), 5799, 5800


Memorandum: Freedom of Information Act, by, 16390-16392

Memorandum: Intermittent control systems for air quality, W. H. Megonnell, 18959

Memorandum: Use of supplementary control standards and strategies (sundry), 18963, 18964

Motions offered by

Cloture, 725, 1084, 1244, 2338, 9272, 9780, 9968, 10353, 19633, 20104, 22611, 25865, 26327, 31437, 31904, 37606, 37749, 37819, 38070, 38419, 39116

International Economic Policy Act of 1972: bill (S. 2986), to authorize appropriations for, to table Beall amendment, 12641

International Economic Policy Act of 1972: bill (S. 2986), to authorize appropriations for, to table bill, 14117

International Economic Policy Act of 1972: bill (S. 2986), to authorize appropriations for, to table Tower amendment, 14106

Press releases

Press release: Senate Committee on Public Works to examine car engine development, 37497

Press release: Wiretap Hearings by Judiciary Committee, by, 8682

Remarks by, on

Agency for Consumer Advocacy (bill S.707), to establish independent, 24930, 24931

Agriculture, environmental. and consumer protection programs: bill (H.R. 15472) making appropriations for, 24385-24387

Agriculture, environmental, and consumer protection programs: bill (H.R. 16901), making appropriations for, 37220-37222, 40371, 40372

Aiken, George D.: tribute, 41748

Air quality: proposed lowering of EPA standards, 8428, 8429

Ambassadors: expanding authority, 8681

Appropriations: bill (H.R. 14013), making second supplemental, 13516-13520, 13527

Appropriations: bill (H.R. 16900), making supplemental, 35040

Armed Forces: reduction of overseas assignments, 18054

Atomic Energy Commission: bills (S. 4033; H.R. 16609), to increase authorization for appropriations, 38896

Automobile industry, fuel economy and pollution standards, 37497

Bible, Alan: tribute, 41724

Budget: efforts to reduce, 30997-31000

Budget: place $300 billion ceiling on 1975, 34610

Budget: reform of procedures for enactment of fiscal policy, 7479-7481, 7493, 7494, 7497, 7498, 7512-7514. 7525, 7657, 7658, 7661, 7662, 7666-7670, 7900, 7904, 7905, 7933, 7935, 20468, 20469, 20483, 20484

Budget: reform legislation, 20158

Budget reform congressional objectives, 3339, 3360

Busing of students: legislation, 14913

Busing of students: value, 17292

Capital punishment: bill (S. 1401) establish mandatory imposition of, 6749

CIA: attempt to plug news leaks, 21447

Clean Air Act: amendments proposed by Administration, 8428, 8429

Clean Air Act: bill (H.R. 14368) to amend, 14523, 14526-14529, 14536, 14542-14546, 18956- 18959

Clean Air Act: extension of deadline for Compliance, 1127, 1128

Committee on Aging (Special): notice of hearings, 5559, 20138, 22244

Committee on the Budget: notice of hearings, 27327

Committee on the Budget: responsibilities, 26327, 26328, 26330

Committee on Government Operations, notice of hearings, 205, 3342, 10889, 11587, 12652, 14779, 16392, 37701

Committee on Government Operations: tribute, 7479, 7943

Committee on Public Works (Senate): automobile fuel economy and pollution standards, 37497, 37498

Committee on Rules and Administration: tribute, 7479, 7480

Communications: INTELSAT network, 4217

Comprehensive Health Insurance Plan: unworkable proposal, 9959-9961

Congress, budget policies, 7479, 7480

Congress: need to control budget, 3359, 3360

Congress: reduction of Federal expenditures, 30997-31000

Congressional Budget Act of 1974: bill (S 1541) to enact, 7479-7481, 7493, 7494 7497, 7498, 7512-7514, 7525, 7657, 7658 7661, 7662, 7666-7670, 7900, 7904, 7905 7933, 7935, 7943

Congressional Budget and Impoundment Control Act of 1974: bill (H.R. 7130; S 1541) to enact, 20468, 20469, 20483, 20484

Congressional Budget and Impoundment Control Act of 1974: title X, 41660

Consumer Protection Agency: bill (S. 707) to establish independent, 24929, 24930

CONUS OTH radar system: deny funds, 29584-29586

Corporations: concentrated ownership, 24879

Cost of Living Act of 1974: amendment to S. 2986, 12197, 12199, 12202-12206, 12618-12620, 12625, 12630

Cost of Living Act of 1974: introduction, 10865, 28484

Cost of Living Task Force; establish, 28887

Cotton, Norris: tribute, 41727

Council on Wage and Price Stability: bill (S. 3919) to establish, 28886-28888, 28895, 28914, 28915

Crime: death sentence, 6749

Crime: espionage, 14004

Criminal code: relative to public officials, 223

Deepwater Port Act of 1974: bills (S. 4076; H.R. 10701) to enact, 34630, 34660, 34661

Defense budget question of $81 billion ceiling, 29630

Department of Defense: bill (H.R. 16243) making appropriations, 29584-29586, 29630

Department of State appropriations: bill (S. 3117) authorizing, amendment, 8681

Department of Transportation: bill (H.R. 15405) making appropriations, 26548-26550

Dickey-Lincoln hydroelectric project: funds, 26336

Dickey-Lincoln hydroelectric project: Proposed construction, 3406, 16011

Domestic International Sales Corporation: terminate tax benefits, 20739

Dominick. Peter: tribute, 41111

Earth Day, 1974: observance, 11324

Economic conditions: continuation of standby wage and price controls, 12197, 12199, 12202- 12208, 12218, 12616-12619 12625, 12626, 12630, 12632, 12643: 14097-14099, 14101-14106, 14108, 14109, 14114, 14116, 14117

Economic conditions: credit crunch in housing industry, 35323

Economic conditions: recession, 37165

Economic conditions: shoe industry, l0891

Economic conditions: wage and price stability, 28886-28888, 28895, 28914, 28915

Economic monitoring agency; need to establish, 13670

Economy: corporate concentration, 24879

Economy: Legislation to control inflation, 10865

Economy: stimulate through tax reform, 10816

Education: busing of students, 14913, 17292

Education Amendments of 1974: bill (H.R. 69) to enact, 24918

Education Amendments of 1974: (S. 1539) to enact, 14913

Elections: public funding, 4475

Employees of the United States: President's Proposal for pay raises for certain, 5125

Employees of the United States: resolution (S. Res. 394) disapproving of alternate plan for pay adjustments for, 31883

Energy: create Federal administration, 13224

Energy crisis: Proposed lessening of EPA standards, 8428, 8429

Energy Emergency Act of 1973: bill (S. 2589) to enact, 1127-1129, 1148-1151, 1172. 2695, 2696, 2725, 2727-2729, 3431, 3432, 3435-3437

Energy Emergency Act of 1973: President's veto, 5525-5527

Energy Recovery and Resource Conservation Act of 1974: introduction, 16951

Energy Reorganization Act of 1974: bills (S. 2744; H.R. 11510) to enact, 28660

Energy research and development: bill (H.R. 14434) making appropriations, 18377, 18381- 18385, 18387, 18388

Energy research and development: Parliamentary inquiry, 18381, 18382 18385-18388

Energy research and development: question of germaneness of amendment, 18948-18950

Energy Research and Development Administration Act: bill (H.R. 11510) enact conference report, 34855

Energy Supply and Environmental Coordination Act of 1974: bill (H.R. 14368) to enact, 14523, 14526-14529, 14536, 14542-14546, 18956-18959

Energy Supply and Environmental Coordination Act of 1974: introduction of amendment, 14235

Energy Transportation Security Act of 1974: bill (H.R. 8193) to enact, 30335

Environment: energy crisis, 1127, 1128, 3431, 3432, 3435-3437

Environment: proposed changes to Clean Air Act, 8428, 8429

Environment: water cleanup funds, 13516-13518

Environmental concerns; effects of energy crisis on, 5525-5527

Environmental education, 32725

Environmental law: role of the courts, 22554

Environmental Protection Agency: funds, 24385-24387

Environmental Protection Agency: question of transferring funds, 18381, 18382, 18948-18950

Environmental Protection Agency: R. & D. functions, 28660

Environmental Protection Agency: use of funds to tax, limit, or regulate parking facilities by, 37220-37222

ERDA: Passamaquoddy project, 35083

Ervin, Sam J.: tribute, 7943, 41741

Espionage: legislation relative to, 14004

Europe: withdrawal of U.S. troops from Western, 18054

Export-Import Bank Amendments of 1974: (bills S. 3917; H.R. 15977) to enact, 31962,40059

Farley. James A.: tribute, 25441

Federal-Aid Highway Amendments of 1974: bill (S. 3934) to enact, 30859

Federal budget: Proposed return of Eximbank to, 31962

Federal Energy Administration Act: provisions, 13224

Federal Energy Office: freedom of information policy, 2620

Federal spending, responsibility of Congress to limit, 3359, 3360

Fishing Claims Assignment Act of 1974: introduction, 32833, 32834

Ford, Gerald R.: Freedom of Information Act Amendments veto, 36523

Foreign fishing vessels: damage to gear by, 39060

Foreign policy: nuclear counter force strategy, 17445, 21147

Foreign vessels: payment for fishing gear damaged by, 39480

Freedom From Surveillance Act of 1974: introduction, 32841

Freedom of information: legislation to promote, 12098, 12099

Freedom of Information Act: bills (S.2543; H.R.12471) to amend, 17022-17025, 17027-17029, 17031

Freedom of Information Act: bill(H.R. 12471) to amend, President's veto, 36523, 36869, 36870

Freedom of Information Act: introduction of amendment, 16390

Freedom of Information Act: support, 36083

Fulbright, J. William: tribute, 41097

Goldwater, Barry M., Sr.: position on Nitze nomination, 7870

Government: loss of public confidence in, 211

Government: restoration of credibility, 6380

Government: restore balance of power, 7423

Government Secrecy Control Act of 1974: introduction, 12098, 12099

Government spending, reductions, 30997-31000

Gruening, Ernest: eulogy, 25435

Health: dependence on foreign physicians, 2658

Health Professions Educational Assistance Act of 1974: bill (S. 3585) to enact, 32753

Health Services Act of 1974: bills ( H.R. 14214) to enact, 30612, 30613, 30774

Home Health Services Act: bill (S.2695), 16018 

Home Purchase Assistance Act: support, 35323

Housing: buyers and builders suffer, 35323

Hughes. Harold E.: tribute, 41086

Impoundment of funds: congressional review, 41660

Income tax: dollar check-off for campaign funds, 4475

Income tax: legislation, 784-788

Income tax: need to reform, 10816

Income tax: terminate DISC benefits, 20739

Indians: inclusion to Intergovernmental Personnel Act of 1970, 35295

Inflation: legislation to monitor, 28484, 28886-28888, 28895, 28914, 28915

Information: facilitate freer access to government, 17022-17025, 17027-17029, 17031

INTELSTAT: grant U.N. priority access to, 4217

Intergovernmental Emergency Heating Fuel Assistance Act: introduction, 38013

Intergovernmental Personnel Act of 1970: progress to improve administration of State and local governments, 36723

Intergovernmental Personnel Act of 1970: bill to amend, 35295

International Economic Policy Act of 1972: bill (S. 2986) authorize appropriations, 12197, 12199, 12202-12208, 12218, 12616-12619, 12625, 12630, 12632, 12643, 14007-14099, 14101-14106, 14108, 14109, 14114, 14116, 14117

Japan: investments in the United States, 28032

Joint Funding Simplification Act of 1974: bill (S. 2299) to enact, 36923, 36924

Kennedy, Edward M.: tribute, 36083

Kissinger, Henry A.: oil negotiations, 2728

Law of the Sea Conference, 28021

Law of the Sea Conference: Kissinger should take command, 32074

Legal Services Corporation: bill (S.2686) to establish, 1400, 1401

Legislative branch: bill (H.R. 14012) making appropriations for, 20190, 20191

Legislative program, 18384, 19385

McGee, Gale W.: tribute, 24385-24387

McIntire, Clifford G.: eulogy, 33188

Maine: damage to fishing gear off coast of, 32833, 32834

Maine: legal services, 1401

Maine: proposed Dickey-Lincoln Power project, 16011

Maine: radar system receiver antenna site, 30807

Mansfield, Mike: record of service as majority leader, 28465

Marine Fisheries Protection Act of 1974: bill (S. 1988) to enact, 39059-39062

Maritime programs: bill (H.R. 13296) authorize appropriations for, 39480, 39481

Marriner, Ernest C.: 1000th radio broadcast, 5821

Medical education and training, 32753

Medicare: CHIP proposal costs, 9959-9961

Members of Congress: resolution (S. Res.293) to disapprove pay recommendations of the President for, 5125, 5126

Military construction: bill (H.R. 16136) authorize certain, 30807

Military procurement: bill (S. 3000) to authorize appropriations, 18054, 18058, 18313-18316, 18488, 18490, 18731

Military retirement pay: recomputation, 18058

Missiles: delay R. & D. expenditures until SALT II results are known, 18315-18316, 18488, 18490,18491

Morse, Wayne: eulogy, 25414

Mundt, Karl: eulogy, 29878

NATO: U.S. commitment to, 18054

New England: construct Dickey-Lincoln Dam and power plant, 3406

News media: CIA hopes to plug leaks, 21447

Nitze, Paul H.: nomination, 7870

Nixon, Richard M.: message on privacy legislation, 5829

Nixon, Richard M.: provide for protection and preservation of tapes and material produced during tenure as President, 33876

Nuclear weapons: counter force strategy, 17445

Nuclear weapons: debate on counter force strategy, 21147

Nuclear weapons: funds for testing and safeguards, 38896

Ocean fisheries: U.S. Jurisdiction, 39059-39062

Oceans: pollution threat, 29884

Oil consuming nations: Washington meeting, 2727

Oil imports: bill (H.R. 8193) to require a percentage to be carried in U.S. vessels, 30335

Older persons: costs of proposed health insurance plan, 9959-9961

Older persons: Ford inflation plan a blow to, 40810

Parking facilities: EPA regulation of, 40371-40373

Patrol frigate program: funds, 18731

Physicians: dependence of foreign-trained, 2658

Pine Tree Legal Assistance, Inc.: Marshall Cohen directs, 1401

Poland: visit to U.S. Senate by delegation from, 16096, 16097

Pollution: energy crisis effect on regulations, 3431, 3432, 3435-3437

Pollution control equipment: TVA, 36440, 36441

Presidential campaigns: tax dollar check/ off funding, 4475

Presidential Recordings and Materials Preservation Act: bill (S. 4016) to enact, 33876

Prisoner of War and Missing in Action Tax Act: bill (H.R. 8214) to enact, 784-788

Privacy: President's message on, 5829

Privacy Protection Commission: bill (S. 3418) to establish, 36896, 36897, 36900, 40410

Public debt limit: bill (H.R. 14832) to provide for a temporary increase, in, 20103, 20104, 20739, 20804

Public officials: criminal liability for actions, 223

Public works: bill (H.R. 15155) making appropriations for water and power development, 26327, 26328, 26330, 26336, 26337

Riddick. Floyd M.: tribute, 41730

Rockefeller, Nelson A.: nomination, 38932

Russia: nuclear strategies, 17445

Secretary of Defense: distribution of report on use of tactical nuclear weapons by, 18313

Senate: privilege of the floor, 1127, 14523, 14597, 18381, 20190, 20464, 24383

Senate: rhetoric of delay, 2696

Senate: visit by delegation from Poland, 16096, 16097

Shoe industry: foreign imports hurt, 10891

Shultz, George P.: endorsed standby controls, 13670

Simon, William E.: energy information Policy, 2620

Social conditions: lack of confidence in Government, 6380

Social security: payroll tax reform, 20804

Solid waste: recover energy and resources, 16951

Spruce budworm: Maine forest problem, 35040

Standby Energy Emergency Authorities Act: bill (S. 3267) to enact, 40752

State and local governments: guidelines for privacy protection legislation, 36896, 36897

Stevenson, Adlai E., III: U.N. access to INTELSAT, 4217

Tax loopholes: need to close, 10816

Tennessee Valley Authority Pollution Control Financing Act: bills (S. 3057; H.R. 11929) to enact, 36440, 36441

Trade Reform Act: bill (H.R. 10710) to enact, 39766, 39812, 39815, 39816

Trucks: proposed weight limit increase, 30859

United Nations: grant priority access to INTELSAT, 4217

Warren, Earl: eulogy, 22804

Water and power development: funds, 26336

Wiretapping: legislation to prevent abuses, 32841

Remarks in Senate relative to

Committee on the Budget (Senate): notice of hearings, 38335

Tribute, 3435


Report: Additional Views on S. 1401, Senator Hart, 6749

Report: Committee on the Budget, 31799

Report: Committee on Government Operations, 37768

Report: Comparison of U.S.-U.S.S.R. Missile Strength, 18489

Report: Control Systems for Air Quality Standards, EPA, 18960

Report: Cost of Living Act of 1974, 10866

Report: Development of Deep Seabed Mineral Resources, additional views, by, 32728

Report: Dickey-Lincoln Power Project, (sundry), 16012

Report: Disclosure of Corporate Ownership, Senators Metcalf and, 34315

Report: Effects of Enacting Section 511 of H.R. 16901, Role of Parking Controls in Clean Air Programs, 37223

Report: Energy Emergency Legislation, Comparison of House-Passed Bill with Conference Report, 1129

Report: History of the Dickey-Lincoln Power Project, Library of Congress, 16433

Report: Home Health Services, Committee on Home Health Care, 30774

Report: Intergovernmental Personnel Act of 1970, State of Maine, 41710-41713

Report: Japanese Capital Investment in the United States, Boston Consulting Group (summary), 28032-28036

Report: Legislative History of NEPA, 14530

Report: Levels of Air Pollution With Effects to Health Risks. J. F. Finklea, D. I. Hammer, and G. I. Love, 18972

Report: State Air Pollution Implementation Plan Progress Report, EPA, 18965

Report: Use of Supplementary Control Systems, 18968


Automobile Emission Standards, by, 1128

Corporate Disclosure, Securities and Exchange Commission, by Senator Metcalf, 39425

Corporate Disclosure, Securities and Exchange Commission, Senator Metcalf and, (sundry), 10889

Corporate Disclosure, Securities and Exchange Commission, by, 6062

Cost of Living Act, Senator Chiles, 11298

Disclosure of Corporate Ownership, by, 2662

Economic Conditions, Joint Economic Committee, A. P. Burns, W. W. Heller (sundry), 28888, 28891

Economy Belongs to the People, Conference of Catholic Charities, Boston, 35318

Equal Educational Opportunity, U.S. Senate, 1972, by, 14914

Espionage Laws, W. G. Florence, before Judiciary Committee, 14004, 14005

Federal Energy Administration Act of 1974, by, 12928

Federal Energy Administration Act of 1974, conference report, by, 11281

Government Secrecy, McG. Bundy, A. Schlesinger, Jr., before Committee on Government Operations (sundry), 16427, 16430

Hearings-U.S. Nuclear Weapons Policy, by, 5024

Improving Communications in Government, Joint Committee on Government Operations, by, 7464

Legislative History of the Environmental Impact Problem. by, 14529

Pollution Control in South Coast Air Basin, Los Angeles, Mayor Bradley, 8429

Purpose and Justification of Bill to Amend Intergovernmental Personnel Act of 1970, by, 35296

Shoe Industry Needs Aid, R. S. Lockridge, Committee on Finance, 10891

Support for Cost of Living Council Act. G. P. Shultz, 14101

Support for Home Health Services Act. C. F. Brickfield, 16018


Table: Allotments to States Under Intergovernmental Emergency Heating Fuel Assistance Act, 38016

Table: Cost of comprehensive health insurance program, 9960

Table: U.S. strategic missiles, 18488

Table: U.S.S.R. strategic missiles, 18489

Texts of

Text: Amendment (No. 1117) to S. 3117, State Department appropriations, 8681

Text: Amendment (No. 1303) to Energy Supply and Environmental Coordination Act of 1974, 14235

Text: Resolution, proposed ceiling on 1975 budget, by, 34610

Text: Rules of Procedure for the Committee of the Budget, 28523

Text: S. 2589, Energy Emergency Act, administration draft proposals, excerpts, 5526, 5527

Text: S. 3352, Cost of Living Act of 1974, 10866

Text: S. 3393, Government Secrecy Control Act of 1974, 12100

Text: S. 3549, Energy Recovery and Resource Conservation Act of 1974, 16953

Text: S. 3918, Cost of Living Act of 1974, 28484

Text: S. 4061, Fishing Claims Assignment Act of 1974, 32834

Text: S. 4135, Intergovernmental Personnel Act Amendments of 1974, 35295

Text: S. 4209, Intergovernmental Emergency Heating Fuel Assistance Act, 38014


Interview, Dr. Margaret Meade by M. Agronsky, WETA-TV, Washington, D.C., 212

Little Talks on Common Things, E.C. Marriner, WTVL-Radio (sundry), 5821- 5824